Interesting results Leipzig 2020

In the leading group (see group formation) there are 6 organizations, all of which are publicly owned. With an average value of 4.58, the public value rating of the organizations is significantly higher in Leipzig compared to the rating in the Public Value Atlas Germany 2019 (3.81).

70 percent of the respondents are concerned that the public value in Germany receives too little consideration. The citizens of Leipzig are thus somewhat less concerned than Germans in general (81 percent). 59 out of 100 respondents believe that the public value in the city of Leipzig receives too little consideration.

71 out of 100 respondents stated that the idea of public value has changed significantly in the new federal states since 1990. 60 out of 100 respondents say that the public value has gained in importance for them as a result of the Corona crisis.

6 Interesting facts Leipzig 2020

#1 86 of 100 respondents indicate they have a fairly clear to very clear concept of public value.

#2 62 of 100 respondents would rather work for organizations that uphold public value at a high level, even if it means earning less.

#3 86 of 100 respondents believe they can contribute to the public value through their own behavior. (53% voted 6 on the scale of 1-6)

#4 79 of 100 respondents indicate that they prefer products that benefit public value, even if it means having to spend more on them – 18 of 100 respondents, more than 10%.

#5 79 of 100 respondents believe that organizations should be punished if they harm the common good.

#6 83 of 100 respondents believe that private companies have a high responsibility to contribute to the public value. Even more responsible are public administration (94%), non-profit organizations (90%), politics (90%), and also to every individual (89%), according to the respondents.

Interesting results Germany 2019

Overall, it is remarkable how stable many companies contribute in the eyes of the public. 87 of 100 respondents indicate that they have a rather clear to very clear concept of public value, while 81 of 100 respondents are fairly concerned to very concerned that the public value in Germany receives too little consideration. Thus, as in the 2015, the concern remains very high. Public value concern increases with age.

From an employer perspective, it should be noteworthy that 72 of 100 respondents are inclined to accept salary cuts in order to work for an organization that upholds public value. Given the consumer view, a public value orientation apparently also reaps benefits when it comes to shopping. 91 of 100 respondents indicate that they prefer products that benefit public value, even if it means having to spend more on them – 26 of 100 respondents, more than 10%.

Women stated more often than men that they can contribute to the public value through their own behavior. Among other things, this can be seen from the fact that more women than men would work for organizations that uphold public value at a high level, even if it means earning less.

7 Interesting facts Germany 2019

#1 87 of 100 respondents indicate they have a fairly clear to very clear concept of public value.

#2 81 of 100 respondents are fairly concerned to very concerned that public value receives too little consideration in Germany.

#3 72 of 100 respondents would rather work for organizations that uphold public value at a high level, even if it means earning less.

#4 92 of 100 respondents believe they can contribute to the public value through their own behavior. (53% voted 6 on the scale of 1-6)

#5 91 of 100 respondents indicate that they prefer products that benefit public value, even if it means having to spend more on them – 26 of 100 respondents, more than 10%.

#6 82 of 100 respondents believe that private companies have a high responsibility to contribute to the public value. Even more responsible are public administration (98%), non-profit organizations (96%), politics (95%), and also to every individual (95%), according to the respondents.

#7 With regard to the public value, private companies should pay particular attention to morality, followed by good performance in their core business and their contribution to the quality of life in society. However, respondents believe that it is less important for private companies to contribute to the cohesion in Germany.